SAS has been conducting One Year Diploma Course in Archival Studies at professional level, recently renamed as Diploma Course in Archives and Records Management. There are four Core papers on Archives Management, Public Records Management, Conservation and Reprography, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and two optional/specialization papers on Business and Private Archives and Practices in Archives and Archival Library and Documentation. Besides four core papers, a student has to opt one optional/specialization paper as part of the Diploma Course. The curriculum also includes writing of Dissertation by the trainees on the basis of Archival Material.
M.A (History) second class (with minimum 50% marks in aggregate) with one optional paper in Modern Indian History (Post 1750 AD) from recognized university.
M.A. in other streams of social sciences, i.e. Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Linguistics, etc with minimum 50% marks from a recognized university
M.Sc in applied/physical sciences with minimum 50% marks from a recognized university.
Out of total 30 seats, 10 seats are reserved for candidates having Masters Degree in History and 10 seats for post graduates in other streams i.e. M.A. in Social Sciences, M.Sc in Applied/Physical Sciences, etc and 10 seats are reserved for sponsored candidates.