Advance Diploma in Software Technology (DAST)
Advance Diploma in Software Technology (DAST) is Diploma level Information course. Software System is a system based on software forming part of a computer system (a combination of hardware and software). The term ‘software system’ is often used as a synonym of computer program or software. It is related to the application of systems theory approaches in software engineering context and are used to study large and complex software, because it focuses on the major components of software and their interactions; and also related to the field of software architecture.
The basic object of Advance Diploma in Software Technology is to provide an opportunity for computer education those students who are interested in taking up computing as career. The program is thrust is on giving the students a thorough and sound background in theoretical and application-oriented course relevant to the latest computer software development. A rigorous training enables learners to make a career in the software industry in India as well as abroad. Course Curriculum MODULE 1: IT Tools and Business Systems Computer Applications, Computer Organization, Operating System, Word Processing, Spreadsheet Package, Presentation Package, Data Base Operations Information Technology and Society.
Minimum qualification : 10+2 Pass required for admission