CET CELL Admissions 2025-26

CET CELL Admissions 2025-26

Maharashtra MHT CET 2021

PUBLISH DATE 8th June 2021

Registrations for the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT) CET 2021 will begin today, June 8, Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant said. The application forms will be available on the official website, mhtcet2021.mahacet.org, up to Juny 7, the minister said. The entrance exam is held for admission to first year of Engineering, Technology, Pharmacy, Agriculture and other professional programmes at participating institutions.

“Registration for the MHT-CET 2021 Entrance Examination for the first year Engineering / Technology, Pharmacology and Agricultural Education for the academic year 2021-22 will start today from 08/06/2021 to 07/07/2021,” Mr Samant tweeted.


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