CET CELL Admissions 2025-26

CET CELL Admissions 2025-26

Diploma (Polytechnic) CAP Round-I Provisional Allotment List announced

PUBLISH DATE 26th August 2022

Provisional allotment list for diploma courses was announced on 25th August 2022, next steps are as follows.

Other Than First Preference Allotted but Self Freezed by Candidate
1.Candidate who have been allotted seat other than the first preference given by the candidate and if the candidate is satisfied with such allotment and do not wish to participate in further CAP rounds, such candidate can freeze the offered seat through candidate’s login. Once the candidate freezes the allotted seat, such candidate verification of documents and payment of seat acceptance fee from login. Thereafter such candidates shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat.

2.Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and accepted the seat and want betterment in the next round as per the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i) then such candidates shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds for betterment

1) During the CAP:

(a) If a candidate is allotted the seat as per his first preference, such allotment shall be auto freezed and the candidate shall accept the allotment so made. Such candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds. Such candidates follow the   instructions   given   at   clause 9(1)(i)   above.   Thereafter   such candidates shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat. If such candidate does not follow the instructions
given in clause 9(1)(i), their claim on the allotted seat shall stand forfeited automatically and the seat shall become available for fresh allotment. For such candidate, the allotment so made shall be the final allotment;

(b) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than the first preference given by the candidate and if the candidate is satisfied with such allotment and do not wish to participate in further CAP rounds, suchcandidate can freeze the offered seat through candidate’s login. Once the candidate freezes the allotted seat, such candidate shall follow the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i). Thereafter such candidates shall report to the allotted institute and seek admission on the allotted seat.

If such candidate does not follow the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i), their claim on the allotted seat shall stand forfeited automatically and the seat shall become available for fresh allotment. For such candidate, the allotment so made shall be the final allotment. Such candidate shall then be not eligible for participation in the subsequent CAP rounds;

(c) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and accepted the seat as per the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i) then such candidates shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds for betterment;

(d) Candidate who have been allotted seat other than first preference and not accepted the seat as per the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i), such candidate shall be eligible for participation in the subsequent rounds;

2)   Conduct of CAP Round-II and III-

(a)  The seats available for Round II and III shall be published on the website. The Candidates eligible for round II and III are allowed to fill in and/or edit online option form filled in by the candidate for the
previous round. The seats to be allotted during these rounds shall be available   to   the   eligible   candidates   falling   under   the   following categories. -

(i) Candidates as per the Rule 3(c) and 3(d) above; (ii) Candidates who have not been allotted any seat in any of the previous round; (iii)Candidates who did not participate (failure of filling option form) in previous round.

(b) Candidates who have been allotted seat other than first preference and followed the instructions given in clause 9(1)(i), whilst filling fresh option form, he/she need not fill the preference already allotted to the candidate in the previous round. Once upward preference is allotted to such candidate, his earlier seat allotment shall stand automatically cancelled. In the event of no such upward preference is allotted, his previous allotment stands retained; 

(c) There shall be no further betterment option available to the candidate after round III. The allotment made and/or allotment retained in round III for participating candidates in round III shall be final;

(d) At the time of reporting for admission to Institute, the candidate shall produce all the original documents in support of the claims made in the application. If the candidate has allotted seat on the basis of claim made in the application and fails to produce the documents in support of the claim so made in the application, the allotment shall stand cancelled automatically and the seat shall become available for allotment in further rounds; Provided that, If Candidate is allotted seat without availing any benefit claimed in the application, in such cases the allotment of the seat to the candidate shall be retained. However, the candidate is permitted to rectify errors in the application, if any, as per the provisions of clause 9(4)(e);

(e) The candidate will be entitled to rectify the following errors in the application form by raising the grievance viz. (i)   change of gender from male to female and vice-versa;

(ii)  error while entering marks obtained by candidate in examination, However the change in the merit number due to increase in the marks will not be permitted;

(iii) error   while   mentioning   the   caste/sub-caste/the   category   of backward class but in no case a candidate will be allowed to change from General to Reserved Category. A reserved category candidate will be allowed to change his category from Reserved to General upon his   failure   to   submit   requisite   documents   like   Caste/Tribe Certificate, Validity Certificate, Non-Creamy Layer Certificate etc. as the case may be.

(iv)   Removal  of  minority  status  due   to  failure  of  submission  of supporting documents;

(v)    Removal  of  Disability  status  due  to  failure  of  submission  of supporting documents;

(vi)   Removal of Defence status due to failure of submission of supporting documents

(vii) Change in Type of Candidature; (viii) Change in Home District;

(ix) Removal of Tuition Fee Waiver Seats (TFWS) status due to failure of submission of supporting documents;

(x)  Removal of Technical/Vocational Status due to failure of submission of supporting documents;

(xi) Change in Qualification. Apart from the above no other change or rectification shall be allowed.

3) The Candidate shall report to the institution finally allotted to him and confirm his admission in institution as per the schedule. The Institute shall verify the required documents and upload the admission of the candidates in the online system through Institute Login immediately and shall issue a system generated receipt of confirmation of admission & fee paid receipt to the candidate.

4) The seat acceptance fee shall be Rs. 1000/-, for all admitted candidates the same shall be treated as non- refundable.

Cancellation of Admission and Refund of fees, return of documents by Institutions. -

(a) The Candidate shall apply online for cancellation and submit duly signed copy of   system   generated   application   for   cancellation   of   admission   to   the initution. Once the candidate submits online request for cancellation, his/her admission shall be treated as cancelled. The Institute shall consider the online request made by Candidate for cancellation as final irrespective of whether  he/she  has  submitted  duly  signed  copy  of  system  generated application to the Institute. Upon such cancellation, the candidate shall lose the claim on the seat and such seat shall become available for further allotment. The candidate shall then become entitled to and the Institute shall refund the entire fees to the candidate after deduction of Rs.1000/- towards processing charges and return all his/her original documents submitted to the Institute within three days from submission of duly signed copy of system generated application to the Institute;

(b) Notwithstanding clause (a) above, candidate shall not be entitled to any refund of his/her fee except the Security Deposit and Caution Money Deposit if the online cancellation is effected by the candidate after 5.00 P.M of the cut-off date prescribed by the Competent Authority;

(c) No institution, who has in its possession or custody, of any document in the  form of certificates or any other documents deposited with it by a person for the purpose of seeking admission in such institution, shall refuse to return such certificates or other document with a view to induce or compel such person to pay any fee or fees in respect of any course or program of study which such person does not intend to pursue or avail any facility in such institution. In such cases action shall be taken as per the directives given by the Government from time to time.

(d) The institution shall not recover the fees for the subsequent years from the student seeking cancellation of his admission at any point of time.

Change of Course or Institution after First, Second Year.-

(1) The Candidate seeking for a change in course or shift after successfully completing the First Year of studies or both first and second semester examination in full or failed in one of the heads of passing will be allowed to do so in the same institution subject to the availability of seats and changes will be carried out based on the marks of First Year or First and Second Semester together. The Principal shall be responsible for ascertaining the eligibility of the Candidates as laid down by the MSBTE for the course to which the Candidate is being transferred.

(2) Transfer of Candidates Course and / or Institution after first or second year shall be made in the following manner,-

(a) The Candidate once admitted in first year or second year shall not be eligible for transfer to any other institution during the same academic year;

(b) The Candidate passing the first year (both first and second semester) or second year (both third and fourth semester) examinations in full or failed in one of the heads of passing are considered as eligible for transfer of institution or course, provided that for transfer after second year the candidate should have passed the first year;

(c) The transfer of Student from the existing Institution to any other institution shall be as per the Schedule-V;

(d) Transfer to Unaided Institutions.- The Principal of Unaided institution shall consider the Candidates from other institutions for transfer with prior   approval   from   the   Directorate   of   Technical   Education   on submission   of   No   Objection Certificate (NOC)   from   institution,Eligibility  the  MSBTE  and  vacancy  position.  The Principal or Director shall ascertain the eligibility of Candidates as laid down by the MSBTE for the course to which the Candidate is being transferred;

(e) No Application without recommendation of the Principal of Institution shall be entertained by the Directorate of Technical Education; 

(f)  If the result of the MSBTE or Institution is not declared before the  process of transfer, Candidates of that Board or Institution will lose claim on transfer.

(3) The candidate not fulfilling the eligibility criteria for transfer shall not be transferred to any institute in any circumstances.

(4) The Candidates admitted under Supernumerary Quota seats are not eligible for change of Course or Institution.

(5) The candidates from the educational institutions which are outside the purview of this Rules shall be eligible for transfer to the unaided private educational institutions subject to the fulfilment of eligibility criterion and requirements as may be notified by the Government from time to time and the fulfillment of the conditions stated above in sub rule (2).

(6) List of all transfers shall be communicated to the Competent Authority for final approval.

For More Details Read Information Brochure 

New! View Provisional Allotment for CAP Round-I


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