B.Tech Admission in Maharashtra 2020 will be done through JEE Main & MH CET scores. Maharashtra is one of the states of India which is located in west-central India. The capital city of this state is Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay). It is the second most populous state and third largest state by area. Pune and Mumbai are the two educational hubs of the state. The state has various private and government universities those offer the engineering education in various streams.
Candidates those wishing to get admission in the state engineering colleges can get the all related details of B.Tech admission in Maharashtra 2020 from this article...
Without appearing in any of the said entrance exams, candidates will not be considered for the admission procedure.
Cut-off | Cutoffs 2020 |
Entrance Exams
Candidates those seeking for admission in B.Tech course can apply through a state level exam (MH CET 2020) entrance exam. Candidates can also apply for admission in the state on the basis of the JEE Main 2020 score card.
For admissions in IIT, candidates have to clear JEE Main & JEE Advanced 2020 examinations. Admission to M.Tech programme is done through GATE 2020 examination.
Top Engineering colleges of Maharashtra
Maharashtra is housed by numbers of reputed engineering colleges. It includes various reputed engineering colleges like Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Visvesvaraya National Institute Technology Nagpur, College of Engineering Pune & various other government & private colleges of engineering.
Cut-off | Cutoffs 2020 |
B.Tech Admission 2020
Candidates those going to fill the application form of any entrance exam, must check the eligibility criteria given below:
Selection Procedure
The information about the counseling procedure, counseling schedule and all relevant information will be notified on the website. The admission procedure will take place after the declaration of result according to the cut-off marks and marks secured by the candidates.
Candidates have to register for the counselling to participate in the counselling. In counselling, candidates have to fill the college and course preferences. After that the seats will be allotted to the candidates as per their filled choices and their ranks.
Candidates also have to submit the counselling fee to the concerned counselling authority account. After getting the provisional seat allotment letter candidates can report the allotted college for final admission.
Document Required
Candidates have to produce the documents given below in original along with one set of photocopy on the day of counselling.
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