

MHT CET answer key to be released today

PUBLISH DATE 10th November 2020

The Maharashtra Common Entrance Test Cell will release the aspirant’s response sheets, question paper and answer keys for MHT CET 2020 examination on Tuesday, 10th November, 2020, on their official website.

Once the answer keys are released, aspirants who had given the MHT CET 2020 examination will be able to check the answer key online at

Applicants can raise objections against the MHT CET answer key, if any, by providing appropriate representations on or before 12th November, 2020.

The state CET cell will announce the results of MHT CET 2020 examination on or before 28th November, 2020.

Way to check MHT CET answer key

  1.  Visit the official website at
  2. Click on the answer key link that will be blinking on the homepage
  3. Put your login credentials
  4. The MHT CET answer key 2020 will be shown on screen, download and take its print out for future use.

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