CBSE said that examination and assessment will be done based on the syllabus provided by the CBSE and not as given in the NCERT books.
CBSE 2020 board exam syllabus: The Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) in its latest notice has announced that it will not set-up the board exams for 2020 entirely on the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT) syllabus, instead the board has released its syllabus for the upcoming exams on the official website.
The board in its recent notice said they prescribe NCERT books for class 9, 10, 11 and 12, however, it has been brought to their notice that “in these (NCERT) books, at certain places, it is mentioned that particular part of the book is not for the purpose of examination or assessment. Similar instructions are given for the information/ question provided in boxes also.” The CBSE said that these instructions are not applicable for class 10 and 12 examinations conducted by CBSE in 2020.
The board, “examination and assessment will be done based on the syllabus provided by the CBSE and not as given in the NCERT books”. The CBSE syllabus for both class 10 and 12 have been provided for schools, teachers, students and other stakeholders on the board’s official website –
Among new initiatives, the board will have two different part of mathematics syllabus and exams for class 10. The current mathematics subject will be called Mathematics-Standard and the easier level called Mathematics-Basic will be introduced for students who are weak in the subject and do not want to pursue the same at a higher level of studies.
The changes in the CBSE board exam pattern consist of 20 marks internal assessment or practicals for all subjects, more internal choices and introduction of objective-type questions in board exams.
In addition to this, for the first time, CBSE has also prepared a calendar of major activities to be performed in the academic session 2019-20. These handbooks and manuals along with the CBSE activity calendar were released by the Human Research Development (HRD) Minister Ramesh Pokhriya Nishank.
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