The Lotus Petal Foundation is inviting applications for the Winnie Sun Scholarship programme, which is for underprivileged girl child in India.
Interested candidates can apply at the official website —
The last date to apply for this scholarship programme is January 15. The programme offers this financial aid through a joint scholarship programme with Concentrix Daksh Services Private Ltd. This aid will be awarded to female candidates from households where the combined family income is less than 5 lakh per annum.
Under this programme, a scholarship amount of up to Rs 65,000 per annum (covering course fees, living costs, and travel) will be given to the student who has secured admission in any government or private college, recognised by central or state board in India for completion of their undergraduate degree in the field of medicine (MBBS/BDS), engineering, nursing and pharmacy.
To be eligible for this, candidates must have completed their class 10 and with minimum 70 per cent marks or appeared in class 12 from a recognised state or central board (at the time of final selection the candidate will have to submit their class 12 marks sheet with minimum 70 per cent marks). Reserved category students (SC/ST/OBC) should have scored minimum 60 per cent marks in classes 10 and 12.
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