Jharkhand NMMS 2023: Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has deferred the exam date of the National Means Cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) 2023. Candidates can check the Jharkhand NMMS 2023 notification at jac.jharkhand.gov.in.
Previously, the Jharkhand NMMS 2023 exam was scheduled to be conducted on December 17. The Jharkhand NMMS exam has been postponed due to indispensable reasons. The new exam dates are to be released soon on the official portal. Candidates are advised to keep checking the JAC official website for the latest updates.
"National Means Cum-Merit Scholarship (NMMS) exam 2023 scheduled for December 17 has been postponed. The exam has been postponed due to indispensable reasons. The new exam dates will be announced in due course of time," read the official notification.
Students can check the Jharkhand NMMS 2023 notification at jac.jharkhand.gov.in
The Jharkhand NMMS 2023 exam targets students ranging from classes 9 to 12. Successful candidates in the scholarship exam are eligible for financial aid amounting to Rs 12,000. Eligibility criteria include enrollment in government or government-aided schools in Jharkhand and a parental annual income not exceeding Rs 3.5 lakhs. Candidates must note that those who are pursuing their studies in private schools and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sainik schools are not eligible to apply for the scholarship.
To qualify for the scholarship in Class 9, applicants must secure a minimum aggregate of 55 per cent marks. Subsequently, progression to the scholarship in Class 10 necessitates successful completion of Class 9. Similarly, eligibility for the Class 11 scholarship requires a minimum of 60 per cent in Class 10, and the pattern continues for Class 12 as well. Candidates in Class 8 can apply, while those who obtained a minimum of 55 per cent in Class 7 are also eligible to apply.
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