How to prepare for Physics subject
(For board, JEE, NEET and CET Exam)
Dear students,
Wish you a very happy and enthusiastic start for your academic year 2020-21. Though all of us are aware that the prevailing situation amidst the covid-19 pandemic has restricted all of us from fully effective teaching learning process, we are aware of the magic of technology simultaneously. Slowly, it has made us realize that we are going to obtain our knowledge through these advanced techniques.
I would like to assure all of you, that this won’t hamper your goals.
First, PHYSICS is a subject that has its own technique of being studied. It may be giving nightmares to many, but most of these nightmares about Physics are due to the fact that students make a large misunderstanding of the subject.
Now the doubt is how to prepare for physics for board exam JEE, NEET and MHT- CET.
This year, Maharashtra Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education has revised its syllabus from the academic year 2022-21 for standard XII for all streams. The entire syllabus for Physics for standard XII has been divided into 6 units and 16 chapters.
Both XI and XII syllabus have to be thoroughly understood in order to prepare for the exam. For only board exam preparation make full use of the textbook for standard XII. By making use of the following steps, I hope that you will be confident to face the exams.
1. Take every day of preparation of any topic or subject seriously not casually.
2. Revise 3 to 4 concepts in a single setting.
3. Stress on the important formulae, derivations, formulae in the topic.
4. Try to solve problems from level 1 to level 2 to level 3. Directly do not attempt any advanced problem type, this may give you a fear or tension. When you start getting answers right then you will develop a confidence.
5. Figure out the dependent and independent variables and revise short cuts to the required answers.
6. Theory regarding question answers should be done 3 months prior to board exam.
7. Interpretation of different graphs in the whole syllabus should be revised.
8. Try to attend only those MCQ for JEE and NEET for which you know the perfect solution. Because temptation for attempting a lesser known questions may cause loss of marks.
9. PHYSICS is a like a rejector subject, it separates the top scorer from the average scorer.
10. Time bound practice for solving questions is necessary.
11. Make a compilation chapter wise formulae, units, constant and dimensions.
12. Keep revising the topics after short internals half time. so that your memory remains updated. Long intervals of time may cause delay in working out the problems.
So, all the best for all of you!
Written By Mrs. Prof. V.N. Vaidya (MSc. B.Ed. MPhil.)
She has 26 years of experience at C.B.Khedgi College Akkalkot.
Worked as an examiner and moderator.
Two internationally published papers on ferrites to credit.
Awarded 5 prestigious awards for excellence in teaching.
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