BPSC TRE 2.0 Exam Date: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has issued the complete datesheet of the second teacher appointment examination on November 23, 2023. As per the schedule released by the commission, written examinations for various categories of posts will held from December 7 to 16 in a single shift from 12:00 noon to 2:30 pm.
Joint Secretary cum Controller of Examinations (Teacher Appointment) Satyaprakash Sharma said that the written examination which is going to be held on December 7 will be for classes 9 and 10 of the Backward Class and Extremely Backward Class Welfare Department and classes 6 to 10 in the schools of the Scheduled Caste and Tribe Welfare Department.
BPSC TRE 2.0 Exam Pattern
According to the exam pattern, there will be a total of 150 questions of one mark each in all category exams with no negative marking (BPSC Negative Marking). The questions will be about language, general knowledge and related subjects in the same paper. To pass this exam, it is mandatory for all the candidates to obtain at least 30 per cent marks out of 30 marks in language. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in General Knowledge and 120 related subjects. Candidates can check the detailed schedule on the official website of the Commission at bpsc.bih.nic.in.
BPSC TRE 2.0 Exam Schedule
- On December 8, Education Department's classes 9 and 10 will have Hindi, English, Science, Mathematics, Social Science, Sanskrit, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Bengali, Fine Arts, Dance, Physical Education, Maithili, Music and Computer subjects and Music and Art. Except for the subjects, there will be examinations for classes 9 and 10 of Backward Class and Extremely Backward Class and classes 6 to 10 of Scheduled Caste and Tribe Welfare Department.
- On December 9, there will be an examination for Mathematics, Science and Social Science for classes 6 to 8 of the Education Department and Hindi and English subjects of the Backward Class and Extremely Backward Class Welfare Department.
- On December 10, the Education Department will conduct examinations for English, Hindi, Sanskrit and Urdu for classes 6 to 8.
- On December 14, the examination will be held for the headmasters of the schools run by both the Welfare Departments.
- On December 15, there will be an examination for the candidates of General, Urdu and Bengali subjects of the primary schools of the Education Department and Scheduled Caste and Tribe Welfare Department.
- On December 16, there will be an examination for all subjects for higher secondary schools run by the three departments.
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