The National Testing Agency (NTA) released the exam schedule for Phase III of UGC NET December 2021 and June 2022 (merged cycles).
Candidates can check the schedule on the official website of NTA —
According to the notice released by the NTA, the examinations will begin from September 23 and go on till October 14. The exams will be a computer based test (CBT) for Junior Research Fellowship and eligibility for Assistant Professor in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
The admit cards for the exams to be held on September 20, 21 and 22 are now available at the official website.
UGC NET: Phase III- Subject wise schedule
Subject | Date |
Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Urdu |
23-09-22 |
Commerce, Electronic Science, Visual Art (including Drawing & Painting/Sculpture Graphics/Applied Art/History of Art) |
29-09-22 |
Environmental Sciences, Hindi, Management (including Business Admn. Mgt./Marketing / Marketing Mgt. / Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt. / Personnel Mgt. / Financial Mgt. /Co-operative Management) |
30-09-22 |
Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Social Work, Sociology, Telugu |
01-10-22 |
Computer Science and Applications, Economics / Rural Economics /Co-operation / Demography / Development Planning/Development Studies / Econometrics/ Applied Economics / Development Economics / Business Economics |
08-10-22 |
History | 10-10-22 |
Anthropology, Music, Political Science, Public Administration |
11-10-22 |
Education, Geography, Oriya, Tamil |
12-10-22 |
English | 13-10-22 |
Adult Education/ Continuing Education/ Andragogy/ Non Formal Education, Forensic Science, Mass Communication and Journalism, Law, Philosophy Sanskrit, ADVERTISEMENT Tourism Administration and Management |
14-10-22 |
Additionally, the advance intimation slip for the exams of Assamese, Bengali, Bodo and Urdu are now available at the official NTA website. Candidates can login to their candidate portal and check their allotted exam city. Admit cards for these exams will soon be released.
In case any candidate faces difficulty in checking the examination city intimation slip, he/she can send e-mail at
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