Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Technology
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Business Administration
Application Start Date | Application End Date |
Step 1:
Register yourself on under Apply Online by creating a New User for which the following details would need to be entered Name, Contact nos. and email id. System generated password will be emailed to the details provided.
Step 2:
Log on to Apply Online Portal with the login credentials which are the email id and password created in Step 1 above.
Step 3:
Purchase the Application Form by paying the Fees Rs. 1,500/- online for Indian students, $75 (INR 5,175/-) for SAARC students and $100 (INR 6,900/-) for Other countries. You can fill the Application Form online after completing the Payment successfully.
Step 4:
The Application Form consists of the following sections - Student Personal Information, Parent / Guardian Information, Educational / Academic Details, Examination Details and the choice of Course / Program interested in. Kindly ensure that all the information is available with you, when you start filling up the Application Form. Fill all the details in the online Application form.
Step 5:
Kindly make sure that all the mandatory fields are populated with correct latest information available with you. Please make sure you attach the soft copies of all the documents requested. Submit the completed Application Form online.
Step 6:
Click on the Submit button to submit the completed Application Form online. Download a copy of the same, and carry a print of the same for submission at the time of Counselling. For Important Dates Click here