Venkateshwara Open University is an international platform of higher learning and non-profit foundation. Our Dynamic Chancellor is a man of passion and commitment, he vowed to achieve something special in the field of higher education for the benefit of youth from poor financial background and unreached remote areas. He is a young and dynamic Executive. His guiding force is to bring people together by removing the evil of hatred, spreading love and happiness, building esteem of high morals, National Character and to extend quality education services to the mankind so as to make the dream of "VASUDEVA KUTUMBHKAM" (International Brotherhood) comes true.The Venkateshwara Open University as a whole provides mentored educational experience to the learners at doctoral, post-graduate and graduate levels to imbibe social changes in the communities around India and the world.
The Venkateshwara Open University is strongly wedded to orienting education capable of meeting the rapidly changing needs and challenges of the universe at large and of India in particular. The University education is an organized attempt to help people to become intelligent, self reliant and able to face real life situations and must have an economic and ethical relevance to the society. We at Venkateshwara Open University have evolved and adopted the teaching programs and methodology requiring the students to undergo the rigor of the professional world in forms as well as in substance providing them an opportunity to apply their class-room knowledge to live situations, thus to build the long needed bridge between the professional world and the educational world.
Venkateshwara Open University is established through Arunachal Pradesh State Legislative Act, LAW/LEGN-10/2012, Arunachal Pradesh (Act No.10 of 2012),VOU has vital and rich experience in the field of Education including Open and Distance Education.
Venkateshwara Open University is empowered to award degrees as specified by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under section 22 of the UGC Act 1956.