Beechwal, Sriganganagar Road, Bikaner
Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University is an agricultural university located in Bikaner in the Indian state Rajasthan. University, formerly a part of the Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur and became a separate entity on 1 August 1987. The University consists of six colleges and teaching is split between two campuses, one 45 km from Jaipur in Jobner and the other in Bikaner.
The constitute colleges include:
The College of Agriculture, Bikaner
The College of Home Science, Bikaner
Institute of Agribusiness Management, Bikaner
Academic Staff College cum Distance Education Centre, Bikaner
S.K.N. College of Agriculture, Jobner
College of Agriculture, Lalsot (Dausa)
The university is authorized to provide instruction in Agriculture and Allied Sciences which include Horticulture, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Home Science and Agri-Business Management. It has also been authorized in other fields of agricultural learning, which the University may deem fit. It is empowered to maintain academic institutions, dealing with agriculture, veterinary and animal sciences, home science, agri-business management, etc., to carry out instruction in these faculties, hold examinations, and confer degree, diplomas, pertaining to professional qualifications.