University of Kota, MBS ROAD, KABIR CIRCLE, KOTA
The University of Kota is a growing University in the State and unfolding its wings in the area of teaching & research. Therefore, recruitments have been done for the various teaching and non-teaching positions during the 2012-2013 academic sessions for strengthening the teaching & research enrollment in the University. The University has national and international collaborations by making MoUs ( e.g. Centre for Climate Science & Policy Research, Linkoping University, Sweden and DCM sriram Consolidated Limited, Kota) for empowering the research in various fields. In continuation of upgrading the research quality, various national and international collaborators/research groups visited the different departments of the University and gave their suggestions/inputs. The university is now determined for meaningful and socially relevant research in the trust areas of respective discipline and enrolling students for PhD programme through entrance examination as per the UGC guidelines. So far, the University has awarded more than hundred PhD degree and around eleven hundred scholars are pursuing PhD in different discipline with around two hundred approved research supervisors. The University departments are regularly organizing state and national level workshops, |seminars, conferences and publishing their research articles in the Journals / Books / Book chapters of national and international repute. The University is receiving a large number of project from different departments of Govt. of India, Govt. of Rajasthan and other national and international funding agencies and is recognized by the Department of Science and Industrial research (DSIR), Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India as an upcoming research centre in Rajasthan.