The foundation of Dr B. R. Ambedkar University (originally known as Agra University) was laid on the 1st of July, 1927, as a result of hectic efforts of a band of enthusiastic educationists like Rev. Canon A.W. Davis, Munshi Narain Prasad Asthana, Dr L.P. Mathur, Lala Dewan Chand, Rai Bahadur Anand Swaroop and Dr Brajendra Swaroop,.
Original jurisdiction of University extended over United Provinces of Agra, Central India and Rajputana with 14 affiliated colleges and 2530 students of which, 1475 students belonged to United Provinces. Initially, there were only four faculties in the University viz. Arts, Sciences, Commerce and Law. Faculties of Medicine (1936), Agriculture (1938), Home Science (1980), Basic Sciences (1981), Fine Arts (1982) and Management (1994) were added subsequently.
A decisive characteristic in influencing the education of an academic institution is the pursuit of excellence and consistent adherence to high standard in terms of imparting knowledge promoting research. During last eighty three years the University has endeavoured to keep adopting these high ideas and has established rich traditions and evolved respect from the intellectual community. University has sincerely served the cause of higher education in northern India. The ancient principle of integrating ethical and moral values in education has been the endeavour of the University. To inculcate these essential values in its students academicians have been assiduously trying to sharpen the content and curriculum of the University.