Top College in Maharashtra

Top College in Maharashtra

Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar
Location Sangli
Type Unaided Private
Bachelor of Architecture

 Bachelor of Architecture

Contact Information

Tatyasaheb Kore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Warananagar

PVPIT), Budhgaon, Tasgaon Rd., Tal : Miraj


Select Branch
Select CAP Round

Category CAP Round -III 2018
OP Rank CL Rank
SC 53230 96286
OBC 52890 93748
DEFS 64334 64334
AI 16639 40687
TFWS 14379 19962
OPEN 20367 97047
NT2 56705 95343
NT1 65528 65528
ST 91378 91378
VJ 79405 79405
NT 76069 76069
NT3 61327 61327
PWDC 50887 53620

DTE CODE 6266 & College Status- Un-Aided, Non-Autonomous, Non-Minority