Top College in Maharashtra

Top College in Maharashtra

Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering,Wagholi, Pune
Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering,Wagholi, Pune
Location Pune
Type Unaided Private
Bachelor of Architecture

 Bachelor of Architecture

Contact Information

Genba Sopanrao Moze Trust Parvatibai Genba Moze College of Engineering,Wagholi, Pune

Gat No. 2181, Wagholi, Tal Haveli Dist. Pune


Select Branch
Select CAP Round

Category CAP Round -III 2018
OP Rank CL Rank
OPEN 46448 82480
OBC 87906 97970
SC 92434 92434
NT1 93307 93307
ST 70476 70476
AI 11878 96301
TFWS 54548 58475
NT2 90428 90428
DEFS 53407 53407
VJ 53504 56421
NT3 75097 90263
PWDC 69019 78556

DTE CODE 6138 & College Status- Un-Aided, Non-Autonomous, Non-Minority