Top College in Maharashtra

Top College in Maharashtra

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Kolhapur
Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Kolhapur
Location Kolhapur
Type Unaided Private
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Engineering

 Bachelor of Architecture
 Bachelor of Engineering

Contact Information

Bharati Vidyapeeth's College of Engineering, Kolhapur

Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416013

 0231 263 8894

Select Branch
Select CAP Round

Category CAP Round -III 2018
OP Rank CL Rank
SC 64941 85510
OBC 62670 94755
AI 12718 67258
TFWS 19529 29052
OPEN 33601 97275
NT2 64697 74165
NT3 69647 69647
NT1 80217 80217
VJ 88149 88570
DEFS 76754 76754
PWDC 87185 87185
ST 45147 90741

DTE CODE 6289 & College Status- Un-Aided, Non-Autonomous, Non-Minority