Application Start Date | Application End Date |
3rd December 2017 |
28th March 2018 |
The Institute comes directly under General Administration Department (Desk – 28) of the Government of Maharashtra. It has a dedicated and experienced staff of 24 who looks after the training, discipline and also the welfare of the cadets all the time and provides a caring and homely atmosphere.
SPI is headed by the Director who is a retired Armed Forces Officer of the rank of Lt Colonel and above and the equivalent ranks of Indian Navy & Indian Air Force. The unique feature about the SPI organisation is that it works under the exclusive guidance of a governing body which comprises of very senior retired officers of Indian Armed Forces i. e. Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force.
Based on the results of the Entrance Examination conducted at four Examination centers and the Interviews, a consolidated overall merit list will be prepared including the waiting list and it will be uploaded on the SPI website. Selected candidates will be intimated the results individually. The detailed “Joining Instructions” will be sent to all selected candidates well-in-advance (i.e. in the month of May). 1st term of the new course will commence in the 1st / 2nd week of June.
Domicile & Reservation :
The applicant should be a domicile of Maharashtra. There is no reservation of seats on any basis.
Age Limits, Gender, and Marital Status:
Only Unmarried Male candidates can apply. For this year the candidates should born between 02 September 2001 to 31 December 2003(Both Date Inclusive).
Educational Qualifications:
(a) Candidates studying in 10th standard of State/CBSE/ICSE pattern with English, Physics, Chemistry (or General Science) and Mathematics subjects are eligible.
(b) They must secure minimum 60 % marks in 10th standard examination.
Physical Standards
The Candidate should have the following ‘Minimum Physical Standards’ at the time of joining SPI :-
(i)Height : 157 cms
(ii) Weight : 43Kg.
(iii) Chest : Without expansion : 74 cm Expansion : minimum 5 cm
(iv) Eye sight : 6/6 in a distant vision chart with better eye and 6/9 in worse eye. Myopia less than 2.5D and hypermetropia less than 3.5D including Astigmatism. A candidate must have good binocular vision.The colour vision should be normal, without Color Blindness. The colour vision standard will be CP-III for Army. Candidate should be able to recognise red and green colours. Also the candidate should not have night blindness.
(v) Hearing : The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cm in a quiet room.
Selected candidates will have to produce a “Medical Fitness Certificate” signed by a qualified Registered Medical Practitioner at the time of joining.
Prospective candidates are advised to keep themselves in good physical condition by following the under mentioned regime daily before they join SPI :-
Running : 3 to 4 Km
Rope Skipping
Push-ups & Sit-ups : Minimum 20 each
Chin ups : Minimum 08
Rope Climbing : 3 to 4 meters.
To void disappointment at a later stage and inconvenience to all, ensure following before joining:-
The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties.
There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or over weight.
There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body.
A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits.
The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cm in a quiet room.
There should be no evidence of present or past disease of the ear, nose and throat.
There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessel. Blood pressure should be normal.
The muscles of abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of liver or spleen.
Un-operated hernias will make a candidate unfit. If operated, this should have been done at least 1 year prior and healing should be complete.
There should be no hydrocele, varicocele or piles.
Any disease of the skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection.
Eyes: Candidates who have undergone or have the evidence of having undergone Radial Keratotomy, to improve the visual acuity, will be permanently rejected.
Candidates who have undergone LASER Surgery for correction of refractive error are also not acceptable in defence services.
Detailed physical standards required in the Armed Forces are given on the websites of Army, Navy and Air Force. You are advised to go through that carefully before applying.
Admission to SPI is through written test and interview. Both will be conducted in English only. Only the candidates qualifying in the Written Test will be called for interview.
Written Test:
1. The written test will consist of two papers as follows:-
Subjects |
Questions |
Marks |
Duration |
Paper-I Maths |
75 |
75 |
2Hrs |
Paper-II Gen Ability Test |
75 |
75 |
1Hr 30m |
Total |
150 |
150 |
3:30 Hrs |
2. Marks required to qualify in the written test will be decided at the discretion of the institute
3. The General Ability paper will include questions on General English, General Science, Social Science, General Knowledge, Current Affairs and Intelligence test questions. About 50 questions will be on General English which will include grammar, comprehension, error correction, synonym-antonym etc.
4. Both the papers will be set from the 10th class syllabus of State Board / CBSE and no separate syllabus has been laid down.
5. The questions on GK and Current Affairs will be of elementary nature which a 10th class student is expected to be aware of.
6. Both the question papers will be of Multiple Choice Questions Format, wherein, under each question, four suggested answers will be given. Candidate has to choose one which he thinks is correct and mark it on OMR sheet provided.
7. The written test will be held in the month of April every year at Nagpur, Pune, Kolhapur and Aurangabad Center. Exact dates and place will be intimated in the Hall Ticket/through SMS.
8. The results will not be declared at the examination centre.
9. The results will be uploaded on the Institute’s website.
10. The qualified candidates will also be informed individually through SMS/ e-mail about their interview programme.
1. The Candidates who qualify in the written test will be interviewed by the Interviewing Board/Selection Committee.
2. Interviews will be conducted at Pune and Aurangabad.
3. The interview will be based on General Intelligence, Personality Test, General Awareness and knowledge of Current Affairs.
4. The interview is conducted in English and the candidates are expected to communicate in simple English.
5. Candidate should bring original copies of annual examination results of 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th (if already passed) class along with the certificates of other achievements at the time of interview.
6. Final merit list will be uploaded on the Institute’s website.
How to Apply
Option 1- Online Method :
Now, you can submit SPI Application Form Online also.
ऑनलाईन प्रवेश अर्जा संबंधीत सूचना
1. सर्व प्रथम होमपेजवरील “Apply Online Application Form” या लींक वर क्लीक करावे.
2. “Register” या वर क्लीक करून आपले रेजिस्ट्रेशन करावे. रेजिस्ट्रेशन झाल्यानंतर आपल्या मोबाईल क्रमांकावर एस.एम.एस व्दारे पासवर्ड प्राप्त होईल.(आपला मोबाईल क्रमांक User ID असेल व एस.एम.एस व्दारे प्राप्त झालेला पासवर्ड असेल. User ID व Password प्रवेश प्रक्रिया पूर्ण होईपर्यंत जतन करून ठेवावा.)
3. आपला मोबाईल क्रमांक व पासवर्ड चा उपयोग करून लॉगईन करावे व प्रवेश अर्ज पूर्ण पण भरावा.
4. प्रवेश अर्ज भरून झाल्यानंतर प्रवेश अर्ज Save करावा
5. आता “Pay Fees” यावर क्लीक करा. “Pay the application form fees” हि विंडो उघडेल “Submit” यावर क्लीक करा.
6. “PayUmoney” ची विंडो उघडेल, आपले Payment mode निवडा. आपल्या नेट बॅंकिंग/ क्रेडीट कार्ड/ डेबिट कार्ड ई. चा तपशील अचूक भरून Pay वर क्लीक केल्यानंतर आपल्याला एस.एम.एस व्दारे OTP प्राप्त होईल.
7. प्राप्त झालेला OTP अचूकपणे टाका व “Make Payment” या वर क्लीक करा. आपल्याला “Your Fees is Submitted Successfully and
your Roll Number is ...........” असा एस.एम.एस प्राप्त होईल. हा एस.एम.एस येईपर्यन्त आपण विंडो बंद करू नये.
Option 2 – Manual Method :
1. Download the Application Form available on our Website.
2. Correctly filled application form, should be sent by Courier/Speed Post along with a Chalan of Rs.450/- of Bank of Maharashtra to the Institute’s address.
3. OR, the correctly filled application form can be sent along with Demand Draft in favor of “Director, SPI” payable at Aurangabad for Rs. 450 /- drawn on any Nationalized Bank only.
4. Last date for submission of completed application form is 10th February every year.
5. Three self addressed envelops of size 28 cm x 12 cm (without postage stamps) are required to be attached with the Application Form (No other certificates should be attached with the application form).
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'विद्यार्थी मित्र' जॉईन करा आणि मिळवा न्यूज, जॉब, माहिती अगदी विनामूल्य ते ही आपल्या व्हॉटस्अॅपवर. <नाव> <शहराचे नाव> <नोकरी>७७२०० २५९०० मेसेज व्हॉटस्अॅपवर पाठवा