Admission Details:
Undergraduate Education
Bachelor of Commmerce
The B.Com. Degree Course is the traditional course under commerce which consist of three Years. The first year annual examination is held at the end of the first year. The Second Year annual examination will be held at the end of the second year. The Third annual examination shall be held at the end of the third year. Assessment is carried on annual pattern basis.
- To understand the concept, need, importance of various commerce education.
- To develop the skills of students in the core subjects like Accountancy, Economics, Marketing, Taxation, Cost Accounting, Law etc.
- To prepare the students for employability.
Number of Seats (FY) (Autonomous)
Eligibility Criteria
For detailed eligibility criteria & Syllabus please refer to
First Year (Autonomous)
Semester – I (w.e.f. 2019-20)
- 101 Compulsory English – I
- 102 Financial Accounting – I
- 103 Business Economics (Micro) – I
- 104 Business Mathematics and Statistics – I
(A) Optional Group (Any one of the following)
- 105 Organizational Skill Development- I
- 106 Banking & Finance – I
- 108 Marketing & Salesmanship – I
Any one of the language from the following groups
Modern Indian Languages (M.I.L.) -: Additional
- 110 English – I
- 112 Hindi – I
Semester – II (w.e.f. 2019-20)
- 201 Compulsory English – II
- 202 Financial Accounting – II
- 203 Business Economics (Micro) – II
- 204 Business Mathematics and Statistics – II
(A) Optional Group (Any one of the following)
- 205 Organizational Skill Development- II
- 206 Banking & Finance – II
- 208 Marketing & Salesmanship – II
Any one of the language from the following groups
Modern Indian Languages (M.I.L.) -: Additional
- 210 English – II
- 212 Hindi – II
BBA is 3 years full time program leading to award of Bachelor’s degree in Business administration by SPPU. The course imparts knowledge , developed specialized skills to become responsible and successful business managers in competitive business world.
- To provide adequate basic understanding about Management Education
among the students.
- To prepare students to exploit opportunities being newly created in the
Management Profession.
- To train the students in communication skills effectively.
- To develop appropriate skills in the students so as to make them competentat
and provide themselves self-employment.
- To inculcate Entrepreneurial skills.
Number of Seats(FY) (Autonomous) - 240
Eligibility Criteria
For detailed eligibility criteria & Syllabus please refer to
Course Structure
First Year (w.e.f. 2020-21)
19BaBBAU101 Business Organization and System 19BaBBAU201 Principles and Practices of Management
19BaBBAU102 Business Correspondence 19BaBBAU202 Principles of Marketing
19BaBBAU103 Business Accounting 19BaBBAU203 Principles of Finance
19BaBBAU104 Business Economics (Micro) 19BaBBAU204 Basics of Cost Accounting
19BaBBAU105 Business Mathematics 19BaBBAU205 Business Statistics
19BaBBAU106 Business Demography and
Business Environment 19BaBBAU206 Business Informatics
Physical Education – I Physical Education – II
Available Specializations
- Finance
- Marketing
- Human Resource Management
BBA (CA) is an autonomous 3 years full time professional credit based course designed to bridge the gap between the industry and the academia. The program offers courses which are a blend of computer applications, management and commerce. This course aims at inculcating essential skills as demanded by the global software industry through interactive learning process. BBA (CA) course is meant to heighten technological know-how, to train students to become industry specialists, to provide research-based training and to encourage software development.
- The objectives of the Programme shall be to provide sound academic base
from which an advanced career in Computer Application can be developed. Conceptual grounding in computer usage as well as its practical business application will be provided.
Number of Seats (FY) (Autonomous) 240
Eligibility Criteria
For detailed eligibility criteria & Syllabus please refer to
Course Structure
First Year ( Autonomous)
Semester – I (w.e.f A.Y. 2019-20)
- 101 Computer fundamentals and Office Automation
- 102 PPA and Introduction to C language
- 103 Financial Accounting
- 104 Basics of Web designing (HTML)
- 105 Principles of Management
- 106 Laboratory Course I [Computer Fundamentals + MS office+ HTML]
- 107 Laboratory Course II [PPA + C language].
Semester – II (w.e.f A.Y. 2019-20)
- 201 C Language Programming
- 202 Data Base Management System
- 203 Computer applications in Statistics
- 204 Organizational behaviors
- 205 E-commerce
- 206 Laboratory Course III
- 207 Laboratory Course IV [Data Base Management System] [C Language Programming]
Second Year (Affiliating System)
Semester – III (w.e.f A.Y. 2020-21)
- Object oriented programming using C++
- Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
- Quantitative Techniques
- Business Application (HRM, Marketing, Production and Operation Management)
- Software Engineering
- Practical: C++
- Practical: RDBMS
- Environmental Science – I
- Business Communication – I
Semester – IV (w.e.f A.Y. 2020-21)
- Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- C#.NET
- Concepts of Operating system
- Object oriented Software Engineering
- Computer networks
- Practical: Object oriented Software Engineering
- Practical: C#.NET
- Environmental Science – II
- Business Communication – II
Third Year (Affiliating System)
Semester – V(w.e.f A.Y. 2015-16)
- 501 Java Programming
- 502 Web Technologies
- 503 Dot Net Programming
- 504 Object Oriented Software Engg.
- 505 Software Project – I [Based on C++ / VB Technology]
- 506 Laboratory Course – V [Based on Paper No. 501 & 502 ]
Semester – VI (w.e.f A.Y. 2015-16)
- 601 Advanced Web Technologies
- 602 Advanced Java
- 603 Recent Trends in IT
- 604 Software Testing
- 605 Software Project – II [Java /Dot net Technology]
- 606 Laboratory Course – VI [Based on Paper No. 601 & 602 ]
- BBM(IB) is a full time 3-year programme leading to the award of Bachelor’s degree in Business Management (International Business) by the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).
- The BBM-IB program is designed to impart business management knowledge to students and to get a better knowledge of the organizations domestically and globally. The program focuses on all the aspects of international business practices, laws, and technological advancements. In addition, this program also helps the students to design a prospective career map in the field of business management.
Course Structure:
- A student shall be evaluated for a total of 3600 marks divided into 1200 marks per academic year or 600 marks per semester. There will be a written examination of 80 marks of 3 hours duration for every course at the end of each semester. Internal assessment will be of 20 marks mainly comprising of internal tests, day to day class performance and attendance.
Objectives of BBA(IB) programme:
- To promote the understanding of business and management practices in organizations among students.
- To give an understanding of the Global Market.
- To enable students to learn different managerial strategies followed by the corporate in the international market.
- To train our students so that they acquire good communication, interpersonal and enter preneurial skills, which will facilitate their success in the corporate world.
- To exploit job opportunities in International Business in product and service sectors.
- A candidate for being eligible for admission to the degree course in Bachelor of Business Management (IB) shall have passed 12 std. examination (H.S.C 10+2) from any stream with English as a passing subject with 40% marks at 12 std. Relaxation of 5% of marks for reserved category students
Admission Procedure:
- An eligible candidate has to appear for a Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the College. Students are required to apply to the college and admission will be offered as per a merit list based on CET score.
Rules for attendance:
- Every student is expected to have 100% attendance (min. 75% attendance is compulsory). All the students are also expected to participate actively in the seminars and extracurricular activities organized by the college, in their interest
Course Structure:
- BBA (IB) First Year (Autonomous)
Semester – I (w.e.f. 2019-20)
- 101 Indian Business Environment
- 102Personality Development
- 103 Micro Economic Analysis.
- 104 BusinessAccounting
- 105 Principles & Practice of Management
- 106 Business Mathematics
Semester – II (w.e.f. 2019-20)
- 201 Cost Accounting
- 202 Elements of HRM.
- 203 Macro Economic Analysis.
- 204 Principles of Marketing.
- 205 Business Statistics.
- 206 Holistic Management
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