Admission Details:
Admission to ALC is on the basis of marks obtained in MAH LLB (5 YEARS) CET 2021. The applicant must apply first for MAH LLB (5 YEARS) CET 2021.
After enrolling for MAH LLB (5 YEARS) CET 2021, the applicant can fill the ALC Application Form. The applicant must enter his/her correct MAH LLB (5 YEARS) CET 2021 Registration Number while filling up the ALC Application Form.
Steps in Brief
1. Apply online for MAH LLB (5 YEARS) CET 2021
- Visit website HTTPS://CETCELL.MAHACET.ORG/ Click on the MAH LLB (5 Years) CET 2021(Integrated Course) and it will take you to the webpage HTTPS://LLB5CET2021.MAHACET.ORG/STATICPAGES/HOMEPAGE with all the links related to Mock Test, Application form, notices and Information Brochure
- Fill up the form online.
- Complete all the details, make the payment and then submit the form.
- Save a copy of the CET Application Form on your Device. A copy of the form will be required to be uploaded for Application to ALC Pune.
2. Kindly complete the Online Admission procedure in the following steps:
Click on REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSION button and register yourself for following the Online Admission procedure.
- After successful registration, you will receive a login ID and password on the given email address.
Click on ALC PUNE ONLINE ADMISSION button and use the same login ID and password to complete the following steps.
- Step I: Fill in your personal information as asked in the application form correctly in “Personal Information” link.
- Step II: Upload all the mandatory documents as per the list displayed in “Upload Documents” link. In case you cannot upload all the documents in single session, you may re-login before the cut off date for submission of the Application and can upload the document as required. No changes in application form can be made after approval of submitted application. Incorrect details in application form and fake documents uploaded by an applicant will render his/her application void.
- Step III: After uploading all the mandatory documents you can click on “Payment” link. It will take you to the SBI Payment gateway. Payment of Application fee (Rs. 1000/- must be completed for acceptance of the Application Form.
- Step IV: You will have to enter the payment details (i.e. the UTR/Transaction ID of your payment) in this form to be verified by ALC Pune.
3. Online Counselling & Admission Confirmation:
- Login using the user id created for Online Admission Procedure.
- Step V: Counselling & Admission (after declaration of the CET result and uploading of Final Merit List by ALC Pune)
- Counselling. Candidate offered seat as per the declared admission list have to lock their ‘Option’ and submit the required admission fee.
- Confirmation. You will have to enter the payment details (i.e. the UTR/Transaction ID of your payment) in this form to be verified by ALC Pune.
4. Online Admission Form:
- Login using the verified user id of the student.
- Online Admission Form. The confirmed candidate granted admission will submit an online admission form
Admission Guidance 2021: WhatsApp
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