Top College in Maharashtra

Top College in Maharashtra

Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, (Rahuri Factory), Tal.Rahuri, Dist.Ahmednagar
Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, (Rahuri Factory), Tal.Rahuri, Dist.Ahmednagar
Location Ahmednagar
Type Unaided Private
Bachelor of Architecture

 Bachelor of Architecture

Contact Information

Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College of Engineering, (Rahuri Factory), Tal.Rahuri, Dist.Ahmednagar

Shree Shivaji Nagar (Rahuri Factory), Tal. Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar


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Select CAP Round

Category CAP Round -III 2018
OP Rank CL Rank
OPEN 63453 63453
AI 17123 104654
TFWS 48907 58266
OBC 62201 83350
NT2 77079 77079
DEFS 92041 92041
NT3 83651 83651
SC 83989 89763

DTE CODE 5183 & College Status- Un-Aided, Non-Autonomous, Non-Minority